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Employee Spotlight: Katie Bostridge

Written by Derek Sullivan | Sep 1, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Katie Bostridge is an Account Manager in our Boston office. Check out the full Q+A below to read about Katie's transition from a BDR to an AM, her day-to-day at Cybba, and her recent move to Charleston, SC.

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Describe yourself in 3 words:

Outgoing. Energetic. Loyal.


What does your day-to-day look like? 

I recently started into a new role as an Account Manager, so I'm still trying to settle into a normal routine. I like to start my day by answering any pressing emails, looking into my accounts and making sure my campaigns are being run smoothly, and in-between meetings I like to clean-up and organize my CRM.



What's your favorite trend you've seen in marketing recently? 

Influencer marketing! I know with myself, I've been influenced to buy a lot of products by different influencers I follow and I think it's really important to have some sort of person recommending products for your brand.


What is one thing every online brand should do?

I always recommend having some form of a social media presence. I think it's a place a lot of people are spending their time while looking at different influencers and ads. Getting content out in front of that audience is super important. 


What have you done that you're most proud of?

So I recently made the move from Boston to Charleston, SC and it was a pretty big leap for me! I've always loved travelling, but I think moving to a completely new city is really exciting and I'm proud of myself for actually doing it. 


Best piece of advice you've ever received

"Control what you can control."

My boyfriend always says that to me whenever I'm stressed out about different things, whether it's with work or my personal life. It's definitely made me change my perspective whenever certain situations come up. 


If you could have lunch with anyone - dead or alive - who would it be and why?

There's a lot of people on that list, but I think at the very top would be Princess Diana. She's always been someone I've looked up to as far as being an influential person and I love her style!


Look at your phone. What's your most used emoji?
